09 846 8492
Origin of Food Regulations
The Consumer Information Standards (Origin of Food) Regulations 2021 are now in force for fresh and thawed cured pork products and single-ingredient fruit, vegetable, fish, seafood, and meat. Refer to the Consumer Information Standards (Origin of Food) Regulations 2021 for details and Commerce Com...
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COVID-19 Protection Framework
Guidance for Food Service, Food Retail & Food Manufacturing Businesses under Orange and Red light restrictions. This guidance provides New Zealand food businesses working under the Food Act 2014, with information to help keep their customers and staff safe under the COVID-19 Protection Framework...
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Updated Food Labelling Guides
MPI has issued new food labelling guides for: 1. Retail packaged foods. Click here to download  2. Foods sold to manufacturers and further processors.  Click here to download 3. Foods sold to foodservice and catering businesses. click here to download...
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New version of Food Industry Guide to Allergen Management and Labelling
Managing the risks associated with food allergens is a major food safety challenge for food producers and suppliers. Incorrect or unclear allergen information can be a matter of life or death for people living with a food allergy To help food businesses manage these risks the Allergen Bureau and ...
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Changes to Food Importation requirements
MPI has issued a reminder that businesses importing food need to have a valid Food Importer registration, and complete their Intended Use declarations for all consignments of food, drinks, and ingredients. People who import food, drinks, or ingredients for sale must be registered as a food impo...
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Updates to Codex HACCP and General Principles of Food Hygiene
In December 2020 the Codex Alimentarius Commission issued an updated version of the General Principles of Food Hygiene and HACCP.  Key changes that now need to be considered in your food business include:  The 7 principles of HACCP have been amended, with more focus on implementing control...
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Updated Further Processing Guidelines
New Further Processing guidelines (with a focus on meat and seafood products) have been published by MPI. The guidelines cover requirements for heat treatments (including pasteurisation), commercial sterilisation, acidification, concentration and drying, smoking, high pressure processing, and hurdle...
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New guide for businesses on food safety governance and food safety culture
New Zealand Food Safety (MPI) has released a new publication that provides foundation food safety information for directors, executives and owners of food businesses. To review the press release, and download the guidance document and accompanying poster click here...
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New Winemakers Food Safety Template
MPI has launched a new Winemakers' Food Safety template. The template can be used if winemakers:• make grape wine, fruit wine, cider or mead for local or exportmarkets and make other food (including beer or spirits) and/orhave cafe or restaurant. • make grape wine, fruit wine, cider or mead for ...
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