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Updated Food Labelling Guides
MPI has issued new food labelling guides for: 1. Retail packaged foods. Click here to download  2. Foods sold to manufacturers and further processors.  Click here to download 3. Foods sold to foodservice and catering businesses. click here to download...
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New version of Food Industry Guide to Allergen Management and Labelling
Managing the risks associated with food allergens is a major food safety challenge for food producers and suppliers. Incorrect or unclear allergen information can be a matter of life or death for people living with a food allergy To help food businesses manage these risks the Allergen Bureau and ...
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Changes to Food Importation requirements
MPI has issued a reminder that businesses importing food need to have a valid Food Importer registration, and complete their Intended Use declarations for all consignments of food, drinks, and ingredients. People who import food, drinks, or ingredients for sale must be registered as a food impo...
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Food Recall Statistics - Australia 2020
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) recently published an analysis of annual food recall statistics for the last 10 years, including new data for 2020. There was a total of 109 recalls in 2020, with 51 of these (47%) due to undeclared allergens. For all the statistics and more information, ...
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New requirements for allergen labelling on packaging foods
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) recently announced new requirements for allergen labelling on packaged foods. The changes to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) will help ensure mandatory food allergen declarations are clear and consistent so that consumers have the...
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Unexpected Allergens in Food
The Allergen Bureau has recently published the 2021 Unexpected Allergens in Food guidance document. This guide provides the food industry with a list of foods, ingredients and raw materials that may unexpectedly contain allergens. It also provides food business operators (FBOs) with questions that t...
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Updates to Codex HACCP and General Principles of Food Hygiene
In December 2020 the Codex Alimentarius Commission issued an updated version of the General Principles of Food Hygiene and HACCP.  Key changes that now need to be considered in your food business include:  The 7 principles of HACCP have been amended, with more focus on implementing control...
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Mercury in Fish - Safe fish consumption
Fish is an excellent source of protein, essential omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, important vitamins and is low in saturated fat. But it can contain mercury – which can be harmful at high levels. Although mercury is present at low levels in most fish, there is no need for anyone (including pregnant a...
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Eating Safely When Pregnant
New research from New Zealand Food Safety provides pregnant women with more options and certainty about what they can safely eat with updated tips to avoid foodborne illness. Review and download the guidelines, or watch a You Tube video on the topic  More information on food and pregnancy New Z...
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Food Fraud: an evolving crime
Food fraud refers to the deliberate and intentional substitution, addition, tampering with, or misrepresentation of food, ingredients or packaging at some stage of a product’s distribution or production cycle. It also refers to false or misleading statements made about a food or drink product for ...
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