09 846 8492
Kombucha Food Safety
The British Columbia (Canada) Centre for Disease Control has recently reviewed and updated their food safety assessment of Kombucha.   The resulting paper provides useful guidelines for the production of safe and suitable Kombucha products. You can review and download the article here...
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Updated Nutrition Panel Calculator released by FSANZ
The NPC is a tool to help food manufacturers calculate the average nutrient content of their food products and prepare a nutrition information panel (NIP). Some of the new features include: improved stability for uninterrupted access streamlined process to create recipes using three easy steps eas...
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Starting a Food Business - new resource
MPI has launched a helpful new booklet on starting a food business. This publication contains comprehensive onestop-shop guidance to help people find out about what food rules apply to a new business, how to put together a Food Control Plan or National Programme, find a verifier and get registe...
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Food Safety Culture resources
Food safety culture in a food business is how everyone (owners, managers, employees) thinks and acts in their daily job to make sure the food they make or serve is safe. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has developed a Food Safety Culture Hub of resources to assist businesses. You c...
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Pregnancy Warning Labels on Alcoholic Beverages
The Australian and New Zealand governments advise women not to consume alcohol during pregnancy. On 17 July 2020, Minister's responsible for food regulation (the Forum) accepted a proposed draft standard for pregnancy warning labels. In making its decision, the Forum confirmed its ongoing commi...
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Imported Food Risk Advice
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) have recently published a range of imported food risk advice.  While this is principally used to help determine risk management measures at the Austalian border, much of it is applicable here in New Zealand. The risk advice (28 microbiological and 8 ...
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Making Food for People and Animals
MPI has developed a simple fact sheet detailing requirements for businesses that make food for both people and animals (e.g. butcheries). Click here to review and download the Fact Sheet...
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Imported Foods made with fortified ingredients
MPI has published a position paper on how they will regulate imported foods that have been made with fortified ingredients that are not permitted under the ANZ Food Standards Code. You can review and download the position paper here. ...
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Food Recall Risk Management
Delta Insurance (NZ) have published a useful white paper on the latest trends and tools to minimise the risk of a food recall. You can review and download the research paper here....
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New High Pressure Processing (HPP) review
MPI have recently released a review of the application of High Pressure Processing (HPP) in New Zealand. MPI commissioned a review of the scientific literature on high pressure processing (HPP) to address validation expectations for HPP as a control measure for the inactivation of food borne bacteri...
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