09 846 8492
Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in Mussels
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a naturally occurring bacteria found in seawater and occurs when warmer temperatures during summer are favourable for growth. Summer 2021-2022 has seen an increase in reporting of illness from this bacterium. The majority have involved people who have gathered raw shellfis...
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Food Rescue Food Safety Guide
The Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance (AFRA) had Minister for Food Safety Hon. Ayesha Verrall, virtually launch the publication of a food rescue food safety guide. Many food businesses have incorporated 'donating food' guidance into their activities....
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Top 5 Topics for Food Safety and Food Safety Buddy
There are some new useful resources available for food handling staff information and training on the MPI website. These include the Top 5 Topics for food safety for different business types (including posters that you can download and display). You can view and download the Top 5 Topics for your bu...
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New Winemakers Food Safety Template
MPI has launched a new Winemakers' Food Safety template. The template can be used if winemakers:• make grape wine, fruit wine, cider or mead for local or exportmarkets and make other food (including beer or spirits) and/orhave cafe or restaurant. • make grape wine, fruit wine, cider or mead for ...
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